Clenbuterol (50 Tabs)

Manufacturer Somatrop-Lab
Category Oral
Pack 40 mcg/pill. 50 pills
Form Oral
Drug class β2-adrenergic receptor agonist

mproving physical performance

Fat burning

Manufacturer Somatrop Lab

Category Oral

Dose and quantity 40 mcg/pill

Package 50 pills

Form Oral

Active Substance Clenbuterol

Active Half-Life 35 hours

Classification β2-adrenergic receptor agonist

Dosage Men 40-160 mcg/day

Water retention No

Aromatization No

Dosage Men 40-160 mcg/day

Start with the minimum dosage (40 mcg) and increase it by 40 mcg each subsequent day, monitor your well-being. Do not use more than 160 mcg per day. Divide the dosage into several doses.
Do not take clenbuterol in the second half of the day in order to facilitate falling asleep.
Beware of taking it with alcohol.




Emotional anxiety

Drugs to reduce the risk of side effects

Ketotifen, beta-blockers

€ 19.00