Delivery usually takes from 3 to 20 days depending on the following factors:
Yes, almost always all products are in the stock. There are exceptions, a certain product is not in the stock for one week, due to the increased popularity of a certain product. We inform if product out of stock on the website.
After placing order, you get order number. You can find it in Personal account/Orders. As well you will receive confirmation e-mail. Always check Spam folder too.
Yes, if you are a wholesale buyer, we can offer you wholesale prices. Please contact our manager in the Wholesale section.
Yes, the status of your order is in your Personal account/Orders. Status change occurs in real time. We will send a notification about Status change to your e-mail.
Creating an account is necessary in order for us to: recognize our customers, recognize their orders, shipping addresses, order recipients. And also for communication with the client, providing the client with the tracking number and the status of his order.
You need to go through easy registration on website and confirm your e-mail address.
All customer information stored in database in encrypted way. So no one can see credentials of clients, even us. Information and data is stored in secure data-centers across the globe and is decentralized for security reasons.
After few month, after order is delivered to customer, we are deleting all old orders and save only product quantity information.
Check if you entered your e-mail correctly. If none password recovery method works, contact Customer service.
Yes, you need to inform us that you have successfully received the parcel. You can do it in Personal account/Orders.
Sometimes tracking systems do not provide accurate information and we need to contact you to find out have you received order or not. We have automated this process for your and our convenience. After pressing the button: Confirm receiving, we close this order and consider the transaction as completed.
If you want to pay with Bank wire you receive Invoice with the specified invoice number for which you need to pay. Payment can be made online or at a Bank branch by paying a commission. In payment details specify what is written in invoice notes.
Please do not specify for what kind of goods you pay. Only what is written in Invoice notes.
! Save the confirmation of the money transfer until we receive your payment.
What is Bitcoin (BTC) and a complete instruction how to open a Bitcoin wallet, how to buy Bitcoin and how to pay with Bitcoin, please read in the Payment section.
We advise you to pay with Bitcoin, since it does not leave data about the payer.
Yes, it must be done. Open your Personal account/Confirm payment.
Then fill in the required fields:
Bank wire: Order ID, Payer full name, Amount
Bitcoin: Order ID and amount in Bitcoin*
* Indicating the amount in Bitcoin do not round numbers! The amount must be specified including all values.
Yes, as soon as we receive the money in our account, we will notify you by e-mail and the status of receiving funds in Personal account/Orders will change.
First make sure that:
If you made all of the above recommendations and it did not work - Contact our Support team.
The order is dispatched in 1-3 business days after payment is received.
Exceptions may occur during weekend and national holidays when transport companies do not operate.
We send orders from different warehouses located across European Union.
Shipping cost:
Yes, after we dispatch the package, we provide you with the tracking number. You can find it in Personal account/Orders. As well you will receive notification to your e-mail.
Yes, it can be so, since the online tracking services do not always work correctly. The most accurate way to find out where your package is at the moment is to contact your post office and call your tracking number.
We have delivery guarantee in most countries. If your parcel was lost, please let us know and we will re-send it. Require about delivery guarantee for your country in Customer support.
All orders are carefully and discretely wrapped by default.
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